Fight Signs of Premature Aging with These 10 Skin-Care Ingredients

Fight Signs of Premature Aging with These 10 Skin-Care Ingredients

Written by TYE Medical on May 31st 2024

Determined to delay premature aging? It will take a willingness to scan labels and identify key ingredients that aid in the battle for youthful skin. No one can avoid wrinkles indefinitely, but most don’t want to see them appear too soon or too ferociously. The endless array of products on the shelves (or populating online stores) don’t make the job any easier. Which ones have ingredients proven to be effective, and which are just pumped full of fillers?

The most commonly known anti-aging ingredients are retinol and sunscreen, but there are more you should consider as you search product labels for optimal skin-care products. Here are 10 skin-care ingredients to add to your arsenal.

1. B Vitamins Promote Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

smooth beige lotion in a fancy jar

Vitamin B converts food into energy, fueling many bodily functions, including those that maintain skin, hair, and nail health. You’ll find many forms of B12 in skin-care products because it’s so crucial to skin health. It’s important that your moisturizer contains B vitamins since they help to heal and regenerate damaged skin cells more quickly.

2. Coenzyme Q10 Protects Collagen

chalkboard depicts the chemical formula for coenzyme q10

Also known as vitamin Q and CoQ10, coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that helps lay the foundation for more youthful skin. It protects the collagen and elastic tissue that keep your skin in shape. But our CoQ10 levels naturally diminish with age, limiting your skin’s ability to protect itself from damage and rejuvenate cells after damage occurs.

It can be helpful to take an oral supplement in addition to using skin-care products containing the enzyme to maximize benefits. Some research suggests that oral CoQ10 supplements effectively reduce wrinkles and smooth skin after taking them for at least three months. And topical applications containing CoQ10 have been found to reduce age-causing free radicals on the skin.

3. Copper Prevents Sagging and Fills Wrinkles

copper-toned metal shapes, one with the element abbreviation for copper on it

Trace amounts of copper already exist in skin cells. Copper benefits your skin by binding proteins together, forming collagen, and supporting your skin. Because of all this, copper prevents sagging and fills wrinkles. This amazing element is good for far more than furnishing a penny. It even renews damaged collagen, improving the look of scars and sun-damaged skin. Copper-infused pillow cases can decrease crow’s feet lines after a month or two of sleeping on one. You’ll find copper ideal for skin-care because it’s not irritating, making it an option if you have sensitive skin and aren’t able to use retinol products.

4. Green Tea Revitalizes Skin

matcha powder in a bowl surrounded by leaves

Green tea is proven to benefit your health from the inside out, whether you drink or use it in skin-care products. The plant is packed with nutrients like polyphenols (antioxidants) that boost skin health. And its stimulants can energize your skin as much as it does your brain when applied topically. You can use green tea to alleviate dark circles below your eyes, and the effects are even more profound when combined with caffeine in an eye cream. Overall, green tea benefits your skin through preventing and repairing oxidation damage, which breaks down skin over time. You can find green tea and its antioxidant benefits in creams and serums.

5. Peptides Stimulate collagen Production

As more clinical research comes to light, peptides are becoming a more popular ingredient in anti-aging skin-care products. But what are peptides? Recall that amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and peptides are short chains of amino acids. Topical peptide creams are often made to stimulate collagen production and thereby reduce wrinkles. But be careful when purchasing peptide creams, because not all of them contain enough peptides or the right forms. Be sure to choose a product that has been clinically tested.

6. Retinols Speed Up Cell Turnover

flower petals surround a petri dish with a dropper of clear liquid laying on it

Retinols are derived from vitamin A and essentially speed up the life cycle of your skin cells. This means that cells are dying more quickly and replaced by new cells. The result is younger looking skin. It plumps wrinkles and fine lines but also minimizes discoloration and smooths your skin’s texture. It’s the most widely tested and proven topical ingredient for anti-aging. Retinol takes weeks or months to be effective, so patience is a must if you want to reap its wrinkle-fighting benefits. But you’ll also find a couple negatives when using retinoids: they can be drying and increase sun sensitivity. So be sure to use these products moderately and apply sunscreen to protect your skin.

7. Vitamin E Reverses Damage and Rejuvenates Skin

round yellow circle with the letter "e" in it

Skin damage causes fine lines and wrinkles. So preventing damage is a great way to keep your skin healthy. Vitamin E is your number one defense for skin protection. It fights against environmental factors like sun exposure by neutralizing the free radicals that damage your skin. Like vitamin A, it’s an antioxidant that’s also found in salves to heal scars, burns, cuts, and surgery sites. If you want the biggest impact, apply both vitamin E and C topically to preserve and build collagen.

8. SPF Prevents Cancer and Improves Skin Appearance

bottle of sunscreen laying on the sand with "spf 30" written beside it

For skin cancer prevention, doctors recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30. But SPF also improves the look of your skin when used alone. One study indicates that one year of applying sunscreen daily yielded improvements in skin tone, texture, and wrinkles. You can purchase moisturizers with built in SPF or apply it separately.

9. Vitamin C Neutralizes Damage and Lightens Dark Spots

two little vials beside some orange slices

Vitamin C renders free radicals ineffective and increases the protective benefits of sunscreen. Some dermatologists recommend applying a thin layer of vitamin C serum under their sunscreen as their patients get ready for the day. It also helps to lighten dark spots by upsetting abnormal pigment production. And when you use products packed with vitamin C it helps preserve collagen fibers and prevents damage that leaves your skin cells unsupported (promoting sagging).

When purchasing, remember that vitamin C is an unstable ingredient that quickly loses potency if not properly formulated for use. And it won’t be effective if exposed to high temperatures. It’s best to buy products that have been clinically tested and then keep them in a temperature-controlled environment (like in a mini-fridge).

And remember that vitamin C is plentiful in produce like strawberries, oranges, bell peppers, etc. Consuming dietary vitamin C helps your body boost collagen production.

10. Hydroxy Acids Exfoliate Dead Cells and Fight Wrinkpetri dish with a dropper beside a bottle labeled "alpha hydroxy acid"les

Exfoliation is good for your skin, removing dead skin cells from the surface to reveal the new. Hydroxy acids like glycolic acid are known for their super exfoliating powers and stimulate collagen production. These properties help to minimize fine lines and wrinkles. Hydroxy acids are available in varying strengths in serums, peels, and creams. A dermatologist can help you decide which type of product is best for you and your skin type.

Other Tips for Healthier Skin

open tub of hand cream with someone applying it to themselves

It’s About More Than Just Your Face

Remember that your hands and neck are also highly exposed areas and are prone to premature aging. So be sure to show some love, not only to your face but also to your these areas. Your neck and hands get about as much sun exposure as your face, and the skin in these areas are thinner and more delicate. Apply the same moisturizer and SPF protection to your neck and hands to prevent signs of premature aging in these places.

Your Lifestyle Matters

Your general lifestyle highly impacts your skin. A diet rich in produce and healthy fats contains high levels of antioxidants that help reduce signs of aging. And sleep is also critical. For healthier skin and a more youthful appearance, aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. And it should go without saying, but avoid smoking and the associated toxins that wreak havoc on your skin in several different ways. Smoking is so damaging to skin that the term “smoker’s face” is widely used.

Manage Stress

Nothing speeds aging like chronic stress. It also increases your risk for cancer, autoimmune disorders, heart disease, and neurological diseases.

Here are some tips for relieving stress:

  • Adopt a pet
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Meditate or pray
  • Enjoy the outdoors
  • Maintain physical activity
  • Try yoga or tai chi
  • Practice deep breathing
  • Schedule down time

Optimal physical activity for general health includes 150 minutes per week of aerobic activity like walking, biking, jogging, or running. You should also incorporate weight training into your routine twice each week. This can be body weight exercises or using weight equipment. Lifting weight strengthens muscles, bones, and joints.

This kind of stress relief can help you avoid the strain that leads to visible signs of premature aging.

Age Gracefully

Aging is a natural process that no one can avoid. But you can care for your skin and your body through proven means that keep you from aging prematurely. Develop a skin-care routine that includes products that contain several beneficial ingredients like vitamins A, B, C, and E, hydroxy acids, retinols, SPF, green tea, CoQ10, and copper.

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