Fight Sugar Cravings with These 12 Foods

Fight Sugar Cravings with These 12 Foods

Written by TYE Medical on Jun 25th 2024

Sugar cravings are real. Most people have experienced the sudden desire for “something sweet,” and it often happens at certain times of the day or when you’re watching your diet. But you can fight those sugar cravings when you choose foods that ease those cravings and make them manageable.

You can derail your weight loss efforts or healthy lifestyle when a hankering for something sweet leaves you powerless to control yourself. As you gobble down handfuls of sugary goodness, you’re also piling on the calories that trigger weight gain. And if this happens regularly, the effects will become obvious.

But you can take the edge off those sugar cravings with these 12 foods that help you fight back.

1. Fruit

large pile of berries and sliced fruit

Fruit is the most obvious choice, because it’s naturally sweet. But fruit doesn’t contain any added, processed sugars, so it’s far kinder to your waistline and your health. Instead of reaching for high-calorie foods like packaged desserts, ice cream, or chocolate, consider taming your sweet tooth with fruit instead.

Aside from the absence of added sugar, fruit is also packed with fiber which helps you feel fuller and less prone to cravings. This helps you manage your weight. Fiber also lowers your risk of chronic health conditions like type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. And the fiber found in fruit can also increase bone health and promote healthy aging.

Mangos, berries, and grapes are excellent choices since they are a bit higher in natural sugar.

2. Dark Chocolate Curbs Sugar Cravings

variety of forms and types of chocolate on a tabletop

Sometimes those cravings aren’t just for any type of sugar. Chocolate cravings are common as you desire both the sugar and the unique comfort chocolate brings. Chocolate is one of the most commonly craved foods.

But don’t panic. You don’t necessarily need to deny your chocolate cravings entirely. Instead, you can choose healthier dark chocolate. It contains healthy plant compounds known as polyphenols that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents which have a very positive impact on your brain and heart health.

Dark chocolate has almost five times more polyphenols than milk chocolate or white chocolate, it contains loads less sugar. Even so, it’s still not sugar or fat free, which means it’s best to have only one serving or less per day.

3. Snack Bars

oaty snack bar with dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds

Let’s rephrase that to say healthy snack bars. Some are high in fat and sugar and should be avoided. But you can find low-sugar options that are made with whole oats and fresh or dried fruit. Some of these are low in added sugars. They’re a great way to satisfy your sugar craving without indulging entirely.

But a word of caution is in order. Some snack bars advertise that they’re made with “healthy” sugars like honey, coconut sugar, or agave syrup. Remember that these are still added sugars and will have the same impact on your calorie intake and health as white sugar. They’re not good for you when consumed in large amounts.

4. Chia Seeds to Reduce Sugar Cravings

milky chia seed drink with sliced kiwi

Chia seeds are packed with important nutrients like soluble fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and beneficial plant compounds.

Chia seeds have an amazing ability to make you feel fuller for longer. This is because they take on liquid and swell up, which is what happens when you eat them. When this happens, you’re likely to feel sugar cravings subside as you feel satisfied and fuller.

Another great thing about chia seeds is their versatility. You can add them to smoothies, yogurt, and even make chia pudding.

5. Sugar-Free Gum or Mints

open pack of gum

Sometimes, when you just don’t have anything that satisfies your demand for sweets, a stick of sugar-free gum or a few mints will work. For some, fruit-flavored gum works best. But others find that a minty flavor provides the perfect contrast to trick their brains. See what works best for you. When in a bind, this can be a helpful action plan.

The flavors and artificial sweeteners give you a sweet flavor with minimal calories and no sugar. Some studies suggest that chewing gum helps to control hunger, cravings, and consumption of high-carb foods.

And of course, sugar-free gum is great for dental hygiene.

6. Lentils Halt Sugar Cravings

three open jars with three different colors of beans spilling out

Admittedly, this one may seem out of place. There’s certainly not much sweetness in lentils. However, they are loaded with both protein and fiber, which means that they will help you feel fuller and satisfied longer, staving off those sugar cravings for the rest of the day.

Just one cup of boiled lentils contains 18 grams of protein and over 15 grams of fiber. According to research, lentils can help you manage your weight, gut health, and blood sugar levels.

Not familiar with cooking lentils? The web is full of tips and recipes for creating delicious meals with this eastern grain legume.

7. Yogurt

small bowl of yogurt with berries on top

Calm your sugar cravings with some protein-packed yogurt that’s also calcium-rich. Not only will it appease your sweet tooth, but it may also tame your appetite and reduce blood sugar levels. But be careful, because grocery aisles are crammed full of sugar-laden yogurt products.

Look for yogurt that’s sweetened artificially or with something like stevia. You can also buy plain, low-fat yogurt and sweeten it yourself with a little bit of honey, a packet of stevia or other artificial sweetener. You can also add some fresh or frozen berries or a banana for added sweetness and a nutritional boost.

8. Dates Reduce Sugar Cravings

bowl of dates

If you’ve ever read the label on a pack of dates, you might be wondering why it’s on the list. But even though they contain almost 70% sugar, they’re very nutritious and don’t affect blood sugar like processed sugars do.

During one study, participants with diabetes were asked to eat three dates daily for 16 weeks. Afterward, researchers found no effect on their blood sugar. But they did notice that LDL cholesterol levels dropped, significantly improving quality of life.

Dates are the fruits of the date palm tree and are traditionally eaten after being dried. While a daily serving of dates (about three), seems beneficial, refrain from eating more than that. Dates do contain a lot of natural sugar and could have a negative impact if eaten in larger quantities.

9. Sweet Potatoes

baked sweet potatoes with butter and seasonings on top

Not only are they sweet, but sweet potatoes are also nutritious and filling. Containing mostly carbs, they are also high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. You’ll find sizable amounts of vitamins A and C as well as potassium.

If you don’t eat enough calories during the day, it could trigger sugar cravings. If this is the case, sweet potatoes are a great way to stave off those cravings and while adding healthy calories to your daily diet.

If you really want to satisfy your desire for sweets, roast these potatoes with some cinnamon and paprika.

10. Smoothies Fight Sugar Cravings

fresh fruit smoothie

If you’re craving dessert and want to move beyond the basic yogurt and fruit option, try a homemade smoothie. You can try different combinations of plain yogurt, milk, and fruit. When combined into a creamy drink, it can both satisfy your needs while providing more creative options. As you change the ingredients, you’re consuming a wider variety of nutrients.

It’s best to use whole fruit instead of fruit juice to sweeten your smoothies. This allows you to get the fiber as well. And if you need a bit more sweetness than the fruit allows, you can add a small amount of honey, stevia extract, or other non-sugar sweetener to help.

These healthy smoothie recipes will inspire you.

11. Prunes

plate of prunes surrounded by fresh plums

Prunes off similar benefits as dates. Prunes, or dried plums, are also loaded with fiber and sweetness. Instead of reaching for a bag of candy, try a few prunes. Naturally more fibrous and filling, prunes are also high in a naturally-occurring sugar alcohol called sorbitol.

Sorbitol is preferable to added sugars, because even though it tastes sweet, your gut absorbs it slowly, reducing its impact on blood sugar levels.

12. Trail Mix Slashes Sugar Cravings

bowl of nuts and dried fruit

Although many different varieties of trail mix line grocery store shelves, traditional trail mix consists of nuts and dried fruit. While you may find some other additions, you’ll inevitably find something to satisfy your sweet tooth without being loaded down with sugar.

While the dried fruit helps your sugar cravings, the nuts provide additional nutrition along with some protein and health fats to keep you satisfied. Both the nuts and the dried fruit contain beneficial plant compounds that can also boost your health.

But remember that trail mix can be very high in calories. So, keep your serving size down to a small handful (about ¼ cup). If you can afford the calories, you can add a bit more.

Fight Sugar Cravings to Improve Health

Sugar cravings can occur on a regular basis, making them a formidable foe. But it’s worth the thought and effort to fight against them. Frequently indulging your cravings can lead to noticeable weight gain and long-term health effects. An occasional dessert of your choosing is non problem. In fact, it’s good to allow some sugar into your life. In the long run, it helps you maintain control.

But for the rest of the time, keep other options on hand, like fruit, dark chocolate, yogurt, smoothies ingredients, trail mix, and more. Incorporating foods like lentils and sweet potatoes into your evening meal can also help those strong, end-of-day sugar cravings.

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