Aloe Vera: 5 Potential Health Benefits You Should Know About

Aloe Vera: 5 Potential Health Benefits You Should Know About

Written by TYE Medical on May 14th 2024

Many people could probably name one use for the aloe vera plant: sunburn relief. It’s true that gel from this plant can have a soothing effect on sunburned skin. But you may not be familiar with aloe vera’s other health benefits.

Aloe vera plants have leaves that are filled with a soft, clear gel known for its hydrating and medicinal properties. For centuries, people around the world have used aloe vera to promote wellness. So, in what ways are we taking advantage of the aloe vera plant today? Here are some potential health benefits of aloe vera and the associated research. But before incorporating these uses into your wellness plan, talk to your healthcare provider.

1. Lower Blood Pressure with Aloe Vera Gel Powder

adult arm laying on a tabletop with a blood pressure monitor taking measurements

Using aloe vera doesn’t replace the tried and true means of lowering blood pressure, which are exercise, a healthy diet, and prescribed medication. But it can be a useful aid in the battle against high blood pressure. The American Heart Association considers it as a “complementary therapy” based on limited research.

Research conducted with 90 people with non-insulin-dependent diabetes found that aloe vera gel powder received in capsules daily helped reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The aloe vera treatment groups also received nutritional counseling. The study’s conclusion suggests that these effects on blood pressure could be due to aloe vera’s two anti-inflammatory components that were previously studied and verified.

2. Stabilize Blood Sugar with Aloe Vera

stacks of sugar cubes with a superimposed line trending downwards

You can effectively stave off diabetes with weight loss, physical activity, and a healthy eating plan. These activities can improve blood sugar and help lower your diabetes risk. But aloe vera also has some evidence-based support for controlling blood sugar.

One study suggests that an aloe vera supplement helped control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. For people managing type 2 diabetes, it notably improved A1C levels.

Yes, but how?

Researchers believe these positive outcomes were due to aloe vera’s effects on the digestive tract. Its properties help to block or reduce the absorption of glucose through the digestive tract. In other words, it keeps your body from absorbing as much glucose during digestion. This would have a notable impact on blood sugar control.

3. Improve Dental Health with Aloe Vera

someone pours mouthwash into a small cup over the sink

While many associate aloe vera with skin health, most probably don’t consider it useful for oral hygiene. But researchers have found evidence of anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis properties. One study pitted an aloe-based mouthwash against a traditional, germ-fighting mouthwash. After 30 days, the study found that the aloe-vera based mouthwash reduces gum bleeding and plaque as effectively as the traditional mouthwash. This means that aloe vera could be a viable alternative to commonly used mouthwash, even for those who have gingivitis or dental plaque.

4. Reduce Skin Aging with Aloe Vera

senior woman applies a cream to her face

You’ll find aloe vera in an array of skin-care products, including moisturizers and face masks. This is due to hydrating and anti-aging properties.

If you want to ward off wrinkles for as long as possible, it’s important to apply a daily moisturizer. A good moisturizer seals water inside your skin cells, giving you a more youthful appearance. On the other hand, if your skin dries out, those plump skin cells shrivel, causing premature wrinkles.

This means that an aloe vera infused moisturizer may be a helpful addition to your skin regimen. Aloe vera is packed with a hydrating molecule that keeps moisture sealed inside your skin. But there is more than just its hydrating effects to praise. It also activates cells in your connective tissues that boost collagen production. This results in tighter-looking skin and reduced wrinkles.

While conclusive studies on aloe vera and collagen are still forthcoming, these early findings are encouraging.

5. Get Rid of Acne with Aloe Vera

slices of aloe leaves beside a bowl of aloe gel

Aloe vera’s natural anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent acne treatment. It soothes and reduces the appearance of acne and even acne scarring. But it’s best to apply aloe vera acne treatments to blemishes that aren’t open, otherwise it causes additional irritation. You want to apply aloe vera to the surface of a blemish.

Aloe vera can help other skin irritations too. Some use it to help treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPA), if you apply a cream that contains at least 0.5% aloe vera up to three times per day, you may see reduced redness and scaling. But the NPA also cautions that aloe vera works best as complementary treatment that is used along with your traditional treatments for the condition.

As an eczema treatment, the plant’s antibacterial, antifungal, and moisturizing properties may help prevent flare-ups.

Aloe Vera As a Natural and Safe Remedy

aloe vera plant glistening with water

Try one of the many uses for aloe vera and reap some of the health benefits. Look for skin products with concentrations of aloe vera to enjoy the moisturizing and anti-aging effects. To reduce blood pressure and blood sugar, talk to your doctor about adding aloe vera gel powder capsules to your supplements.

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